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Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® User Terms

The information on the website provenda.net can be visualised, copied, printed and distributed exclusively for non-commercial purposes regarding all copies contain the legal copyright notice mentioned above.This information may also be used with the purpose of a purchase request. The content of this website may not be modified or reinterpreted so as to be protected by another copyright, patent, brand or intellectual property registry other than Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur®.

The information available on the website provenda.net may contain technical inaccuracies or typos. Thus, Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® does not assume any responsibility, in any way, over any direct, indirect, incidental or collateral damage inherent to visits to its pages, namely loss of data, loss of profit and other benefits and business interruption derived from the use or impossibility of use of information on this website.


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When registering, the user assumes the compromise of supplying Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® thorough and complete information, namely e-mail address, and of notifying Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® in case of any change to the supplied information.

Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® assumes the compromise of respecting the legislation in force regarding personal data protection and to not providing, under any manner or term, this information to other entities (out of company scope).

The user may access his/her data, online or should he/she so intend, request access in writing, check its correction and, should it be necessary, to rectify it. For that you should use the option available online or contact info@aluga-algarve.com

Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® also assumes the compromise of adopting the necessary security measures to assure user personal data protection against its possible abusive use or against unauthorised access.


All contents in this electronic edition of Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur®, namely texts, photos, illustrations and other are protected by law, in agreement with the Code of Author’s Rights and Related Rights.

The copy, reproduction and diffusion of texts, photos, illustrations and other elements in this electronic edition without the express authorisation of Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® is strictly forbidden, regardless the used means, with the exception of the quotation right under the terms of the law.

The commercial use of elements contained in the electronic edition of Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur®, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others are strictly forbidden.

Provenda II Mediação Imobiliária Aljezur® holds the right to act judicially against authors of any unauthorised copy, reproduction, diffusion or commercial exploration of the elements in this electronic edition, namely texts, photos, illustrations and others.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

According to article 18 of Law no. 144/2015, of September 8, it is informed that, in the event of a dispute or dissatisfaction with the service or product made available, the consumer may use one of the entities of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which are listed at www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org. Additional information on this subject can be found at www.consumidor.pt.

Online Claims Book
